Friday, 9 October 2009

Oil Miners Bojonegoro Not Reject The Entry Of Investor

Bojonegoro, 24 / 4 (Regional.Roll) - miner of crude oil (crude oil) in the traditional village of Beji, Hargomulyo and Wonocolo, Sub Kedewan, Bojonegoro, East Java did not refuse the entry of investors.

"The miners could receive oil investors are involved to manage mining," said Head Kedewan Hery Kismanto in Bojonegoro, Friday.
According to him, the miners of crude oil in three villages in the district Kedewan which manages about 47 old wells every day that did not make an entry of investors Tripika PT and PT Bangun Prima Energie Energie Lestari (PEL).
Both PT which had pegged the district (district government) must enter into a bank account, each of Rp20 billion, his cooperation with the Food and KUD KUD Sumber Jaya Joint Enterprises in Sub Kedewan.
Hery explained, in a pattern of cooperation after the miners of crude oil deposit according to the KUD each region for the deposit of crude oil production in oil fields of Dutch heritage, is the Regional Owned Enterprises (enterprises) Bojonegoro Regency.
"This was done to avoid jealousy between the two cooperatives that," he said.
On the other hand, the miners could accept the presence of two PT is due to return for services received can be stable, not like now, because his own distilled crude oil prices fluctuating world oil prices depends.
"If the world oil price falls, the price of crude oil sold to the miners go down as well now," he said.
He mentioned the price of crude oil per drum for oil wells in the village purchased Beji Rp200.000 refiners and crude oil production in the village of Wonocolo and Hargomulyo crude oil quality is better reached Rp300.000 per drum.
Once distilled traditionally by the yield per drum of 185 liters of diesel, the price Rp2.500 per liter.
Meanwhile, labor costs between 2-3 people with wood fuel at the refinery Rp100.000.
Price received by the miners now if calculated only between Rp 1,000 to Rp1.500 per liter, not much different from the bids submitted fee Pertamina.
"Because of that, the miners did not challenge the entry of investors who participate manage with the new management," he said.
From the data in the three villages was noted there is approximately 300 units of oil refineries where traditionally.
Traditional oil field in three villages in the district originally Kedewan production per day between 35,000 liters and 50,000 liters of deposited to Pertamina in Cepu through KUD Sasono Bogo.
But in October 2006 until now the miners are not deposit crude oil production to Pertamina, and distilled his own, then sold to various areas in Central Java and East Java

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