Friday, 9 October 2009

The People Complaining Petrochina Oil Suction Machine

Tuban - Because only tens of meters away from the parent company's production of oil reservoirs come from China Petrocina East Java, hundreds of residents in the village of Soko Mudiharjo Tuban district felt his life was not comfortable anymore. Addition. In addition, residents claimed smoke is particularly disturbed by the burning of toxic gas baunnya very stinging, because the dump combustion flue gas is very low.

The roar of engines and combustion of the gas fumes had been going on since before 1996, but residents powerless against the giant oil projects. Kiai So'im, Mudiharjo residents whose homes were closest to the center's activities, stating that, concern for the manager not comparable to natural disturbances in people for 24 hours continuously

"If Sampean not believe, sleep here last night alone, must be disturbed," he told jawakini. He added if the night has come the sound of fire engines and the roar was loud.

Associated with the community development (CD) that should be given to citizens, middle-aged man is revealed, that so far only been lied to citizens only. He said many residents who do not receive funding from the CD Peterocina out by hand. "Once the Petrocina provide compensation in the purchase of land use for the project. It happened at the beginning of the construction project, "added So'im.

Other residents found, Siti Andriyanti (48) expect the Petrochina more concerned about the environment surrounding the project. Because people have been directly affected by the oil companies. These impacts, added Siti, covering the surrounding air is hot, the smell of gas and sometimes stinging mengeber engine sound during the day and night. "The Petrochina sometimes only care about the environment, if people do protest," said the three children's Widow

Meanwhile, the Security Supervisor of Yoga Science Camp Santoso Utomo said, will continue to try to establish cooperation with various parties. "This company is a state-owned, Petrochina only as implementers of production," Yoga excuses.

Yoga further explained, Petrochina which is a joint venture or joint operating body with state-owned Pertamina is, not only oil drilling in Tuban course, but in other areas such as in Bojonegoro, Lamongan and Gresik.

Largest production wells located in Sragen, Cotton Village District Ngampel Bojonegoro. If the overall In total, oil production reached 24,000 during barrels per day. Whereas in Gresik Regency which is a gas production.

TBR A Oil Wells Test Three Village People Sick

Communities in three villages who live in the area of oil mining in the district Tambakrejo have symptoms of poisoning. Following trial TBR-A oil mining operator by Pertamina on a while ago.

At least 30 people, had to undergo examination by a medical team after a smell thought to have come from the oil mining. "We've mediators by the district and there was a medical examination," explained Riki BPD as chairman of the Village Kalisumber, Kecamtan Tambakrejo (16/06/2009).

According to him, a village affected by the strong scent is Kalisumber Village, Tambakrejo and Malingmati. Meanwhile, the operator through the test a person in charge states that try to start trials conducted since the beginning of this month it had anticipated.

"No danger, we have three post ready the monitors. The alarm sounds trial was stopped, "explained Yoyok. Dozens of residents who smell it, until this morning still experiencing nausea and dizziness.

Residents feel denied Pertamina Mine Collapse

People who live in the area of oil and gas mining in Bojonegoro, rally. Early which claimed dozens of residents from the two district representatives, came to the well Tiung Blue A (TBR-A) which in operators by Pertamina.

They came to the drilling location using motor vehicles, and road block action. "Destroy, we are not stupid," cried one of the people. The action is the culmination of their sense of frustration, after their demands are not also get a response from the operator.

"At the last demonstration, we have delivered the demands of the local labor recruitment and the establishment of the post sweeper to guarantee safety," said Latif, one of the villagers Kalisumber.

But according to residents, to this day none of these demands getting a response, or the signs will materialize. In addition to block roads, which made some big vehicles can not enter the location oil well, the people also forced the operator to stop operations.

"We turn off the generator, not yet able to operate if it's not our aspiration," he added. Meanwhile, local police also escorted the course of the action, saying that it will continue to seek negotiations.

"We continue to bring both sides, until there is a deal," said Yasin AKP, Kapolsek Purwosari. Tersu residents threatened to block and stop the drilling operation, if their demands are not too full.

Rather Take Natuna D from ExxonMobil is Right

DIRECTOR Center of Petroleum and Energy for Economic Studies, Kurtubi considered that the government's decision to hand over management of the Natuna D Alpha block to Pertamina's right.

"For that Pertamina should immediately negotiate with ExxonMobil in the framework of cooperation operation (KSO) with the help of the government. For managing the Natuna not an easy matter, "said Kurtubi.

According to high levels of CO2, at 300-400 meters deep sea, making a high-risk exploration. "Pertamina needs offshore technology and an investment of around 30 billion U.S. dollars or half of the Indonesian state budget, he explained.

He insisted on looking at each other about the management of the block of Natuna gas field, it becomes counter-productive for the government's desire to accelerate in the Natuna gas production.

"Between the government, Pertamina, and ExxonMobil have to sit together to find the best solution, in order to provide benefits to the people," said Kurtubi.

Then in managing the Natuna, Pertamina must be able to choose the right partners. According to him, a suitable partner to manage the Natuna D-Alpha, is a company that can maximize the interests of the country, willing mentranfer technology, and use of supporting industries in the country. Then the company must also have the ability to fund of funds, technology and experience.

"Should a company that has proven experience and safe for the environment," ujarnya.Diakuinya, contracts in force in the Natuna gas field is very strange. Historically, there never was such a model in the oil and gas exploration. Typically, liquid natural gas exploration by foreign contractors have to go through the results. Governments usually get the 60 percent, while 40 percent is due to foreign contractors.

"If the oil is not no such a model contract. There is a production-sharing contract. The contractor's cost to find and produce gas, then after producing cover the cost of cost recovery in the pattern. There's just odd that the government can tax it," he said.

According to Kurtubi, the main dispute between the government and ExxonMobil over the search cost coefficient, which when referring persamaam as a linear regression formula harga.kandungan forming CO2 contained in Natuna, can be used to inject oil field in Minas.

So in addition to earn income from Natuna, the government also will increase oil production in oil and gas field. He says, until 2030 gas demand in Asia will increase sharply.

"These opportunities must be exploited, especially the Natuna D-Alpha is the largest CO2 producer in the world after Qatar," he said

Five Village Protests in Oil Wells

Hundreds of residents from five villages in the district and Purwosari Tambakrejo, held a demonstration related to the recruitment of local labor in mines oil wells Blue A Javan dioperatori by Pertamina.

They are incorporated in the Joint Community Purwosari - Tambakrejo Bersatu (GAPURTAB) that, go to the location of mines in the Village District Kalisumber Tambakrejo, using trucks and motorcycles.

The protesters demanded that the operator prefers local labor. In his confession, residents said that Pertamina had lied, which is related to the socialization of residents in the surrounding wells associated exploration wells.

"Pertamina has not done in five villages of socialization through which Pertamina operational vehicles. Fifth, among other villages, the Village Kalisumber, Malingmati, Tambakrejo and Gaming at Tambakrejo district, and village in the district Purwosari yellow goatfish, "said Latif, one of the protesters.

He explained that until now, there has been no clarity from the Pertamina about environmental impacts. "As long as there is no socialization of the EIA by the company," said Latif had met on the sidelines of the action.

Action which started at around 09.30 WIB had, could heat up. In fact, hundreds of people involved in the action could push the police officer and Satpol Tambakrejo local PP.

In addition, the mass nearly break a portal into the area-A TBR wells. But the action successfully prevented and citizen representatives invited in to meet some driling workers at the drilling location.

Until noon, from the pertamina not look at the location. Residents threatened if action is not menbuahgkan time any agreement, they will again mobilize a mass demonstration with even greater.

Methane Gas BPLS neutralizing Install chimney

Sidoarjo - To reduce air pollution in the neighborhood residents, Sidoarjo Mud Management Agency (BPLS) install a chimney pipe six feet tall with a diameter of six inches, the pipe installation is intended to neutralize the methane gas that has reached the level of concentration up to 100 percent in the chute.

PR BPLS, Ahmad Zulkarnain, said, Previously, BPLS has just put up some pipes in the sewer, and since then the gas concentration decreases. If the original gas content of more than 100 percent, has now dropped to 70 percent.
Methane gas that is highly flammable. Methane content of 5-15 per cent in the air was enough to cause an explosion if there is fire. However, non-toxic if inhaled, because the gas is not found hydrogen sulfide toxicity (H2S).
However, methane can cause people to suffocate because it reduces the concentration of the gas is inhaled oxygen humans.

He added that this step will remain effective if the level is Low Explosive Limit (LEL) down significantly. Now LEL was 40 percent, will be graded down significantly if the LEL levels had dropped to 30 percent.

Previously, measurements of the gas monitors Fergaco, LEL or flammable gases methane type in the sewers around the blast have been over 100 percent within a radius of 25 meters. This means, the sewer had been dangerous and highly flammable if ignited fire

Manage prohibited BUMD Traditional Oil Well

Bojonegoro Regency desire to manage the traditional oil wells in the District Kedewan and certainly not kesampaikan Kasiman. This is due to the prohibition of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) through the decision letter, number 1 in 2008.

In the decision letter explained, the right to manage the traditional oil well in Indonesia is Pertamina, including traditional oil wells scattered and Kedewan Kasiman districts located in the westernmost region of Bojonegoro or adjacent to areas Blora, Central Java.

Enterprises are given the right to sub-contractors Pertamina. Enterprises are treated the same as Bogosasono KUD, which have been the sub-contractor of pertamina. The capacity of public enterprises is just buy oil from the miners, then sell it to pertamina.

Certainly for Bojonegoro Regency Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry's decision was considered very harmful. Bojonegoro Regency has sent a letter to the East Java Gubunur to be forwarded to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, in which the decision merivisi request. "We've sent the letter. Hopefully granted, "said Yaskur, Head of Secretariat of Mines Bojonegoro

Government Use Old Oil Wells

Bojonegoro - Director of the Upstream Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources R Priyono, says accordance Candy ESDM No. 1 Year 2008, the old wells could cooperatives or enterprises productions. "But the cooperative or enterprises must submit all results to the KKKS oil production. So they only get service from KKKS offs, "he said.

If cooperatives or enterprises do not submit all results to the KKKS oil, it may be subject to criminal sanctions. Priyono said the cooperation period cooperatives or enterprises with KKKS is five years and renewable. Cooperation agreements must be approved by the Director General of Oil and Gas and BP Migas unknown

The assurance of cooperation that came with the government agenda in the near future will use the old wells that were no longer productive since 1970. Ie there is an old well that 5000 will be reactivated.

From the data obtained from the Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources said that the old wells 5000 can be reactivated with a total production rate between 5000-12000 barrels per day. Oil production from older wells is quite favorable with the current oil prices.

To do that, the government issued Regulation of the Minister Energy and Mineral Resources No. 1 Year 2008 on Guidelines for the Petroleum Mining Concessions at the Old Well that regulate the use of old wells. From 5000 the number of these wells are part of the total old wells that reached 13,824.

The wells consisted of 745 active wells and 13,079 disabled and most are in the working area of PT Pertamina EP. Location of old wells is 3143 units of East Kalimantan, Sumatra, the southern part of 3623, 2392 northern Sumatra, Central Java and East Java 2496, 1633 central Sumatra, Ceram 229, 208 Papua, and Kalimantan 100.

Definition of old wells are wells that have been drilled and produksikan before December 31, 1970, but the contractor has abandoned cooperation contract (KKKS). Currently, the old business has done well Bogo Sasono Cooperatives in the working area of PT Pertamina EP Cepu Bojonegoro, Central Java. Production levels reach 200-300 barrels per day

There are Oil Fields Stay Poor Communities

Bojonegoro - new sunrise, but the atmosphere of Regency Village Wonocolo Kec. Kedewan Bojonegoro, it was looking to live with and miners thatched traditional oil. Among them have even turned on the diesel engine of a truck behind her like deliberately removed the body to pull a rope made of alternating steel.
Wonocolo village to go to, can be reached by car and motorcycle a distance of about 50 km to the west of Bojonegoro. There direct border with the City Cepu Blora Central Java. More into the back, exactly to the traditional oil fields, located in the area of teak forests are still growing in the lush mountains of Perhutani KPH.Parengan, Cepu and JATIROGO.

Many ways of doing the people around the traditional oil fields is to wash the rupiah. . Ranging from workers' labor panarik rope, to collect the oil separation with just water in the bowels of the earth taken from a depth of 300 meters. Al result, crude oil for decades dredged, to sell to the next through the KUD Bogosasono Pertamina.

But with crude oil output was, it did not change the fate of people, around the oil fields are still many mlarat life, filled with portraits of poverty, despite world oil prices soared. Why? wage was enacted for the traditional oil panambang not as high from the oil in the can from the sweat sweat. Just imagine, crude oil was only given a stipend of Rp 47,500, - each drum containing 200 liters.

"Wages are just updates as of March 1, 2006, the previous even just bought a drum USD 37 thousand," said Sri Bowo (41) when found in the area of the mine jawakini crude Wonocolo Village.

Crude oil is sent to the KUD Bogosasono, clearly hurt the miners, who pegged the price is not human anymore, because for just a day job as a miner of oil, the results obtained are not sufficient for daily needs. So that the fruits of the day as a miner in the oil can only Rp 15,000 to Rp 20,000, -.

For that, hundreds of miners oil several times demanding the KUD Bogosasono, Pemkab.Bojonegoro and Pertamina to raise the wages of the crude oil shooting. But residents claim the Village Wonocolo and four other villages as a producer of crude oil is among Kedewan Village, Hargomulyo, Beji and Wonocolo which are all located in the Kec.Kedewan not done.

Finally, since the month of October 2006, the citizens against by not sending crude oil to KUD.Bogosasono, they choose to process crude oil with traditional flute. Then sell it to some shelter at Tuban, Blora and Bojonegoro to send to the next in Surabaya and Semarang.

"It results from the mining of crude oil is not appreciated by the citizens of the KUD Bogosasono, eventually the miners seek a breakthrough to change his fate by selling to gatherer," said Pagimin (65) of stu miners there.

The statement that simply do not suffer their fate again and again. Because for decades, miners in here to eat the results are sometimes less, forced residents nyambi as a laborer and farming, whereas in the bowels of the earth-born citizens of the land is the source of enough oil is huge.

For that, see the potential of existing natural surroundings continue to give off oil. While the results are in can be very njomplang once, then done a thousand different ways of local people by selling direct result of his efforts to the gatherer. At first police officers from the police and raided the Polwil Bojonegoro crude oil sales practices without going through the KUD Bogosasono.

Because in the eyes of the law, the act which is done by the miners is considered to have damaged the country and can cause environmental pollution. On the other hand can not stand people with a hungry belly. Because of the lack of such crude oil prices, eventually the practice of selling crude oil out of the area continued until, and even the miners themselves had established cooperative Jaya Patra Jasa which collect crude oil from residents about the seductive price

Oil Miners Bojonegoro Not Reject The Entry Of Investor

Bojonegoro, 24 / 4 (Regional.Roll) - miner of crude oil (crude oil) in the traditional village of Beji, Hargomulyo and Wonocolo, Sub Kedewan, Bojonegoro, East Java did not refuse the entry of investors.

"The miners could receive oil investors are involved to manage mining," said Head Kedewan Hery Kismanto in Bojonegoro, Friday.
According to him, the miners of crude oil in three villages in the district Kedewan which manages about 47 old wells every day that did not make an entry of investors Tripika PT and PT Bangun Prima Energie Energie Lestari (PEL).
Both PT which had pegged the district (district government) must enter into a bank account, each of Rp20 billion, his cooperation with the Food and KUD KUD Sumber Jaya Joint Enterprises in Sub Kedewan.
Hery explained, in a pattern of cooperation after the miners of crude oil deposit according to the KUD each region for the deposit of crude oil production in oil fields of Dutch heritage, is the Regional Owned Enterprises (enterprises) Bojonegoro Regency.
"This was done to avoid jealousy between the two cooperatives that," he said.
On the other hand, the miners could accept the presence of two PT is due to return for services received can be stable, not like now, because his own distilled crude oil prices fluctuating world oil prices depends.
"If the world oil price falls, the price of crude oil sold to the miners go down as well now," he said.
He mentioned the price of crude oil per drum for oil wells in the village purchased Beji Rp200.000 refiners and crude oil production in the village of Wonocolo and Hargomulyo crude oil quality is better reached Rp300.000 per drum.
Once distilled traditionally by the yield per drum of 185 liters of diesel, the price Rp2.500 per liter.
Meanwhile, labor costs between 2-3 people with wood fuel at the refinery Rp100.000.
Price received by the miners now if calculated only between Rp 1,000 to Rp1.500 per liter, not much different from the bids submitted fee Pertamina.
"Because of that, the miners did not challenge the entry of investors who participate manage with the new management," he said.
From the data in the three villages was noted there is approximately 300 units of oil refineries where traditionally.
Traditional oil field in three villages in the district originally Kedewan production per day between 35,000 liters and 50,000 liters of deposited to Pertamina in Cepu through KUD Sasono Bogo.
But in October 2006 until now the miners are not deposit crude oil production to Pertamina, and distilled his own, then sold to various areas in Central Java and East Java