Thursday, 8 October 2009

One Oil Well Owned by PetroChina Gas Spout

One of the wells owned by PetroChina in Campurejo Village, Sub Bojonegoro, Bojonegoro, spraying the gas to the surface for about five hours, Saturday (29 / 7). At least 2672 people around the location displaced from their homes.

A burst of gas from the wells to the surface, the so-called blow-outs, runs from about 00:15 o'clock. Then the gas was poured into the kiln (burned pit) to be burned. The goal for widespread hydrocarbons into the air due to flammability.

Based on monitoring, fire blazing from the kiln coupled white smoke curled upward. This white smoke rising about 50 meters tall. Bursts of flames and the gas is accompanied by rumbling sounds like a jet, and heard at a radius of about 500 meters. Bursts of flames and the gas began to recede at about 04.00, before finally extinguished at 05.00.

Supangat (38), resident whose house is located about 100 meters from the Well Sukowati 5, said, in the middle of the night he heard a roar. "It sounded very loud," said the man who at the time about taking his wife went to the market to sell it.

Approximately 10 minutes later, continued Supangat, there was a blast. Even so hard, Supangat feel the vibration in his home. Separately, the Security Supervisor PetroChina Sunjatin Agus Djoko said the explosions appeared as a result of the first burned gas.

As a result of the gas blast and the blaze, hundreds of residents in the immediate vicinity rushed out of the house to evacuate. Residents include people in District Campurejo Village and Village Bojonegoro Sambiroto in Ngampel and Cotton District.

The well location surrounded Sukowati paddy acreage. Nearest neighborhood residents located about 100 meters.

Director of PT Pertamina Ari Sumarno stated, PT Pertamina oil wells operating in the village of Sukowati, Kecamatan Campurejo, Bojonegoro, certainly back in operation soon. PT Pertamina and PetroChina as the drilling operator admitted that he had survived a fire that occurred in these exploration wells.

Dozens fainted

There are no human casualties and injured in the fire. However, the explosion had made dozens of people fainted and was rushed to the clinic and the nearest hospital.

Ari is delivered after the signing of this cooperation between the members belonging Ulama and Pertamina in Sukolilo Hajj Dormitory, Surabaya, East Java, adding, fire Sukowati exploration wells due to the emergence of the gas pressure is so strong from the well. The pressure is pushing up gas causing a loud explosion with a jet of flame soaring.

The explosion was not until the widespread fires caused by the gas comes out successfully channeled into the flare (the kiln). Next gas injected with water and mud. Fire successful in overcoming around at 05.00.

The number of people who faint at first suspected because of inhaling the gas H2S (sulfuric acid). However, after examination reveals no gas. Citizens allegedly collapsed due to loss of oxygen after hearing a loud bang accompanied by a fire.

Ari adds fire that occurred in the Well Sukowati are common. "Every activity drilling accident risk, an important way to overcome quickly," he said.

Therefore, PT Pertamina will continue drilling activities in the Well Sukowati after discussing the problem with the cause of the explosion as the joint operating PetroChina. "If the drilling is stopped, oil production could be stopped. The important thing is to watch these events do not happen again," he added.

Ngampel mayor describes Sujiman Herlambang, initially panicked residents so chaotic atmosphere. "They ran away from the location without a clear purpose. There is a run, ride bicycles, and motorcycles," he said.

Some time later, police cars Bojonegoro lowered to 13 residents gather scattered in various places. Residents were finally accommodated in Puskesmas Cotton, Cotton police, Ngampel village mosque, Versatile Building Bojonegoro Regency, and Lemcadika Bojonegoro.

According to Police Chief Commissioner of Bojonegoro Ajun Herri Wibowo, the number of refugees is estimated at least 2672 people. For a while, the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) and the Police Bojonegoro Bojonegoro establish public kitchens in the Office of Bojonegoro PMI.

At around 12:00, the East Java Governor Imam Utomo, reviewing the location of the Well Sukowati 5 and shelters in Bojonegoro Lemcadika. PetroChina party on occasion to give explanations about the gas blast.

Is secure

When confirmed, Field Manager of PetroChina Victory Surya Kirana said the blast caused the loss of gas or mud circulation is called circulation loss. This causes the formation pressure is higher than Hydrostatic pressure wells. Finally comes a blast of gas to the surface.

However, Victory was declared safe condition. "Today we still continue to inject the mud to ensure the well die," he said.

Victory said, residents could return to their homes. Furthermore, he promised to create an early warning system to the residents around if at any time of the blow-out. Operations Manager PetroChina Hermawan said losses caused by blast events that will be borne by the company that manages the field.

Field Sukowati managed jointly by PT Pertamina and PetroChina in the form of cooperation operations (joint operating body / JOB) called JOB Pertamina-PetroChina East Java (PPEJ).

Field Sukowati, PetroChina has five wells. Three of these wells have been producing crude oil since July 2004. Volume of production ranges 11300-11500 barrels per day. The longer one is not producing wells. Sukowati 5 wells are wells that are in the exploitation of developing

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